İpeker Home is a brand of İpeker.
İpeker Home, İpeker’s home textile brand focuses on sustainability and reflects the new generation concept of home textiles with an innovative, new and modest design. The renovated machinery park with innovative technology upon completion of our new investments and with the underlying know-how of about one century, İpeker Home is proud to give a new lease of life in home textiles with its new product range of fabrics for upholstery, drapery and bedclothes.
Our collection of home textile fabrics which are manufactured under a zero net policy consumes natural resources at minimum and also aims minimization in waste volume. Industrial symbiosis is applied on the generated wastes with a circular economy approach and a real zero net policy is conducted. Our product range which dissolves in nature without causing damage to any living being consists of products with 100% biodegradation of high speed. Production is conducted by a production method called Vegan Textile Processes and no living being is exposed to any danger. The raw materials, colorants and chemicals used in our products do not contain any animal based protein.
Ipeker is a family-owned vertical textile company that was officially founded in 1930. However, the actual birth of the textile business of the family leans back to the beginning of the century.
The journey that initially started with silk weaving has today reached to a level of organization which delivers high-quality novelty fabrics to all around the world. The wide assortment of dyed and printed fabrics produced with the aid of many years of experience by our talented and creative team have enriched collections of many well-known designers and large retailers.
Our customers are regularly updated by our designs that are served with 4 main and 10 sub-collections every year backed by monthly fast-fashion additions. The huge variety of fabrics together with equally wide technical capabilities makes our collections unique in the eyes of our customers.
Our quality starts from the yarns we choose and maintained by tight controls all along the production line at many different stages by the continuous contribution of over 400 employees. All our products are controlled at least three times starting from greige fabric to the finished product. Our labs perform physical and chemical tests to every batch and check all parameters that relate to the performance of our fabrics.
The entire production and collection of İpeker are certified according to Oeko-tex Standard 100 uninterruptedly since 1996.
We proudly announce that İpeker is the first V-Labeled fabric producer in the world. The European Vegetarian Union certifies that İpeker’s 146 different fabrics correspond to the guidelines of the European Vegetarian Label and categorised in the Vegan V-Label.
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Your Innovative Partner Since 1930
High Quality Fashion Fabrics to Brands All Over the World
Innovative & Sustainable Vegan Home Textiles
Added Value and Innovation for the Area of Sustainable Technical Textile Solutions
Fast Fashion Solutions to Exclusive Brands
Sustainable production for future generations
Total positive impact of the Green Factory Program has result in the saving of 982,646 grown trees and reduction of 158,364 tonnes of CO2.
All water used for production comes from the industrial zone’s purification plant. With the latest technology recycled membranes of the SCADA system, a full life cycle of water is created allowing us to give back to nature.
İpeker aims zero waste production for all product groups. Waste resulting from process is either reused as raw material internally or it becomes other licensed textile companies’ inputs.
All energy is generated from pure natural gas and renewable energy sources. İpeker does not use any charcoal.
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